Tender & True Pet Nutrition

We want to hear from you! We appreciate your comments and personally respond to each and every e-mail. We make every effort to respond to all emails and phone calls within 48 hours or two business days depending on the depth of information needed to properly assist you.
We never want you to feel as though we were unresponsive to your concerns, so if you do not receive a response back from us within 3 business days, please call our customer service line so we can address your inquiry immediately.
Tender & True is committed to providing you, our valued customer, the highest standard of excellence for product quality, palatability, customer satisfaction and customer service.


Please feel free to call, email or fill out this form with any questions you may have. Thank you!

PO Box 641310, Omaha, NE 68164

Toll Free – 877-616-4455
